Product - Feed Factory

Hammer Mill

The Hammer Mill type SM is a high performance machine, mainly destined towards industrial plants for the milling of livestock products.
The simple and sturdy construction of the hammer mill ensures a wider safety to the operators as well as an easy access to all of its parts.
The product inlet located on the center of the rotor, guarantees a more
homogenous distribution of the product all over the equipment also providing a dynamic balance, enabling thus higher flows with minimum power consumption.
The product inlet is endowed of two valves that precisely control product flow and auxiliary air that crosses the equipment. Produced with 16-60 hammer versions, the SM Hammer Mill always presents a suitably dimensioned solution for each use. The hammers are easily accessed for inspection and maintenance through a wide frontal door and each hammer may be easily relocated for the use of each of its 4 impact edges, providing thus a smaller operation and maintenance cost.
The thermochemically treated hammers are highly wear resistant and are located inside rotor so as to attain production capacity superior to those mills formerly commercialized for the consumed power and the same physical space occupied.